News Letter
Certification by CCOE, Nagpur

Now, CPG has been certified as manufacturer of pressure vessels by Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organization (Formerly known as Department of Explosives):

Our Achievement - Pressure Vessel Division
CPG has succesfully delivered first consignment of high pressure vessel with following specifications.
- Inner Diameter : 3500 MM
- Length : 14 MTR
- Weight : 78.5 MT
- MOC : SA516 Grade 70
- Pressure : 48 Bar

New Development by Gasifier Division
Now from last two months, our stress relieving furnace is running on biomass(rice husk/biomass) instead of diesel through our gasification technology.
- Cost saving: Now it costs 1/3rd than using diesel.

CPG got LL-C Certificate of confirmity for Safety, Security, Environment & Quality for our supply of biomass gasifier of 500 KW in Mokrance, Czech Republic, S.R.O

Latest Dispatches by Cement Division
CPG dispatched a cement mill to M/s. Meghalaya Cements recently, having below specifications:
- Application- Cement
- Capacity- 60 TPH
- Mill Size- 3.6 m dia. x 12 m long

Success Story Equipment - Rotary Screen
Application - Sorting of Alumina scrap/ Zorba
- Capacity - 10 TPH
- Size- 1500 mm dia. x 8450 mm Length

New Development (Successful Trials Conducted)
1. Equipment - Drum Scrubber, Friction Drive
- Application - Iron ore Scrubber
- Capacity - 180 TPH
- Size- 2.0 m x 6.0 m long

2. Equipment for Paper Industry - Lime Slaker
- Application - Continuous lime slaking
- Capacity - 60 T/Day of lime

Recent Supplies of Ball Mills
1. Application- Quartz Grinding
- Capacity - 7.05 TPH
- Size- 2.4 m Dia. x 5.0 m long
2. Application- Sand grinding (Wet) for AAC plant
- Capacity: 12 TPH
- Size: 2.4 mX 7.0 M LONG
3. Application: Limestone Grinding (Wet)
- Type: Central Drive Mill (Without girth gear) & skid mounted
- Capacity: 10TPH

Training Being Conducted At CPG
CPG is continuously conducting management training courses for their employees enabling them to enhance their managerial skills
Our Participation at various seminars/ exhibitions held in last month.

In last few months, we have participated in following seminars/ exhibitions.
- Global summit for Sustainable Growth
- Alternative fuels in Cement Industry by NCB
- Energy conservation in Cement Industry
We would like to thank all organizers for arranging such beneficial seminars/exhibitions.